New Book Reveals How To Raise A Child With ADHD To Succeed In School, At Home, With Friends, & In Life...

Without medication, meltdowns, & constantly fighting to get things done!

Rory F. Stern, PsyD

From The Desk Of Rory F. Stern, PsyD
Tampa, FL

Dear Parent,

If you're raising a child diagnosed with, or suspected of having, ADHD, and nothing you've tried seems to work... this might just be the most important letter you'll ever read.

But First, A Warning...

This is unlike any book you’ve ever read.

In fact, it may contain the exact opposite of what you’ve heard your whole life about parenting…

And it certainly isn't what most doctors or therapists are talking about...

That's GREAT news for you!

Because my guess is that you’ve already tried so many different things, that haven't worked, and you're not certain if anything ever will...

The truth is, what worked for our parents, on us, doesn't work today...

Heck, you may have a spouse or partner who thinks...

 “My parents raised me just fine and I turned out fine. I did everything I was supposed to. I got good grades, graduated, and got a job. Success!”

Or worse yet, who thinks...

"There's nothing wrong with our child. He (or she) is just a kid and you're letting the teachers or doctors push you around."

Well, the reality is, what worked for our parents on us doesn't work today...

And yes, ADHD is very real.

But the problem is, more "traditional treatments" only look at ADHD as a medical condition.

And not what it truly is...

ADHD is about differences!

It's not a deficit.  It's not a disorder.

And there's no cure for it.

Your child is not suddenly going to be "free from ADHD."

Instead, they'll learn to adapt to how their mind works and only then will they ever really embrace who they are and what they're truly capable of achieving...

That's why this book is about truly understanding ADHD, understanding your child, and giving them a framework for growing into who they are in this world...

This is where most "traditional" support or treatment goes wrong.

Their idea of helping your child is to make them act like they don't have ADHD.

It's like trying to force a square peg into a round hole.

No matter how hard you force it, it's never going to happen.

And worse yet, you're just going to get frustrated trying to do it.

Now think about how this makes your child feel...

Other books may tell you to try harder, think positively, focus more, and other "obvious" things that just don't seem to work for your child.

But in reality, these approaches most likely aren't going to work.

They're all overlooking a few key principles.

And that's what I want to help you with today.

I want to give you a solid foundation that will help you see your child for who they are - who you've always known them to be - and to give you a blueprint.

This blueprint will help you show others (doctors, teachers, etc...) exactly who your child is and what they're capable of achieving.

You'll stop fighting against a system that is rigged against your son (or daughter) and rewrite the rules to your child's advantage.

The stress will start to decrease...

You'll feel so much better about what you're doing.

And you'll start to see your child thrive in a way that you once never thought possible.

My ADHD Parenting Shift™ method will help you debunk your myths and uncover your blind spots that have been keeping you feel stuck, stopped, and struggling.

And I’m ready to share it with you.
Book To Be Delivered Immediately as eBook

Here’s What You’ll Get

My book is called “Help Your Child [With ADHD] Succeed In Life, At Home, In School, and With Friends.

This is literally the exact approach I have used in my clinical office and with virtual clients all over the world for 16 years...

It's what allows me to develop quick, meaningful relationships with kids of all ages...

Even the kids who's parents tell me, "My kid doesn't really open up to most people."

Honestly, it's not rocket-science.

You don't need an advanced degree to follow this blueprint.

Instead, you just need to be willing to read every word, lean into the process, and put it into practice.

Honestly, the hardest part about this is letting your guard down, throwing out all the past stress, and giving it a chance to work.

Because, before you know it, your son (or daughter) will be laughing with you again.

They'll be willing to sit down and talk to you... and yes, even do their schoolwork.

Fair warning: it won't all happen at once. 

This isn't a magic wand.

It's not a fairytale come true...

But I promise you, this will help your child on the path to success.

Plus, you'll learn:
  • Why telling anyone "my child has ADHD" is the worst way to describe your child to anyone - especially professionals (page 8)
  • That most people think you can just turn a child with ADHD into a child without ADHD (and just how dangerous this is to a child's self worth) (page 10)
  • ​A simple approach to supporting your child that will immediately turn around any situation - no matter how bad it is... (page 11)
  • 5 basic rights every child deserves - but almost never gets from adults in their life - and this will allow you to develop very close relationships with your child (page 16)
  • The single most important approach to supporting any child - no matter their diagnosis - that guarantees their success (page 22)
  • Why ADHD is the absolutely last diagnosis any psychiatrist, physician, psychologist, or other professional should consider - no matter what the symptoms tell us (page 29)
  • ​When medication should actually be considered and why it's not the most effective treatment method - despite what the clinical research tells us (page 32)
  • ​How ADHD medications are not a magic pill and don't just suddenly make our children happy, productive, and better in school... (page 33)
  • ​The biggest mistake most professionals make and why it's so critical you help them see your child for who he (or she) really is... (page 39)
  • The #1 most overlooked problem when supporting any child and how this can lead to more problems over the long run... (page 43)
  • Why most children with ADHD are so incredibly smart and talented but still seem to struggle in school - it's not what you think (page 47)
  • ​One question you owe to yourself - and your child - to ask any time things go wrong or get out of hand... (page 63)
  • How to really help your child succeed at school - no matter how bad they are doing right now... (page 72)
  • A simple structure to getting your child to finish his (or her) homework without constant fighting or arguing... (page 78)
  • ​5 unrealistic expectations that are often responsible for 72% of all arguments at home and what to do instead... (pages 85-88)
...and so much more.

This book is only 106 pages, but it's PACKED with valuable content on every single page.

But This Is About More Than "Just Getting Through" The Next Few Years

Yes, by reading this book, you’ll finally be able to enjoy the teen years and continue to strengthen your relationship with your kids.

But there’s more to it than that.

You’ll also set up your teenager for lifelong success and allow them to thrive as a responsible, respectful, reliable, and confident young adult.

They’ll be freed from expectations - even the “good” ones (which secretly cause more stress and pain than you know!).

And best of all, they’ll have an amazing bond with you that supplies a lifelong sense of security, belonging, and unconditional love.

Order Right Now, And We'll Include These 
5 Additional Books For Free

Bonus #1 - 10 Foods Every Child [With ADHD] Should Avoid At All Costs (And The 10 Foods They Should Eat Instead)
This isn't just any book. It's a straight-to-the-point guide that covers 100 pages of everything you need to know about food and ADHD.

What should your ADHD child eat before school? Which foods prevent focus? Can they eat before bed? All of this covered and more!
Bonus #2 - ADHD Myths Revealed: What Every Parent Needs To Know About ADHD To Help Their Child Succeed
This groundbreaking book dismantles the most common misconceptions, offering clarity and insight into what ADHD really is—and isn't. 

Discover the facts, debunk the myths, and empower yourself with knowledge to navigate ADHD more effectively.
Bonus #3 - Famous People With ADHD: 12 Real Life, Inspirational Stories Of How Your Child Can Overcome ADHD And Succeed In Life
Have you ever wondered how successful your ADHD child can become? 

You’ll be stunned by the amazing stories of some of the world’s most successful people and how they have overcome ADHD to live their best lives!
Bonus #4 - Famous People With ADHD (Volume 2): 13 More Real Life, Inspirational Stories Of How Your Child Can Overcome ADHD And Succeed In Life
In this follow-up book, you'll discover how superstars such as Will Smith, Paris Hilton, Sir Richard Branson, Liv Tyler and more have overcome ADHD to achieve extraordinary success. 

Volume 2 looks at 13 more accounts of how these celebrities never let ADHD hold them back from creating the success they desired - and how your child can do the same!
Bonus #5 - Private Facebook Community 
Would you like me to help you personally? Want to be supported by countless other parents of other ADHD children? 

Get exclusive access to our private Facebook Community!

Here’s What To Do Next

The "cost" of this book is $7.95, and you’ll get it right away as a download.

As soon as you place your order, you'll get an email with a link to download the book.

You'll be able to access it anywhere, immediately, whenever you want without having to lug around a hard copy or wait on the mail.

Oh, and in case you're wondering...

There Is No Catch

With a price this low, you might expect to receive follow-up calls from some behind-the-scenes marketing staff or get signed up for an expensive program behind your back.

But this offer has no catch.

There are NO hidden programs you’ll be automatically signed up for.

I've decided to give you this book for just $7.95 so you can see for yourself what’s possible when you implement these new parenting techniques.

My hope is that you’ll love it, get amazing results, and maybe we’ll work together more in the future.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

Time Is Very Limited

This book is part of a test I’m running for my own business.

And because the price is so low, I’m taking a loss on the book.

I’ve forecasted it’ll cost me about $14 to sell one book.

Now, why would I do that?

Simple. I’ve packed as much value as possible into this book, and I’m hoping you’ll love it and will want to do more coaching with me down the road.

And lastly, even though you’re getting immediate access to the book…


Of course there's a full money-back guarantee.

In fact, it’s perhaps…

The BOLDEST Guarantee in History 

I 100% guarantee you'll love this book, or I'll return your $7.95 - and let you keep the book anyway.

That's right. If you’re unhappy for any reason, you don't even have to send anything back.

Just email me and I'll refund your $7.95, no questions asked.

How's that for fair?

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Purchase The Book Now

I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter. I hope to hear from you soon!

Dr. Stern

Rory F. Stern, PsyD

P.S. If you’re like me and skip to the end of these letters, here's the deal:

I'm offering you a 106-page book that outlines how any parent can connect with and support a child with ADHD (no matter hyperactive, inattentive, or easily distracted they can be). 

The book is $7.95.

I’ll walk you through the exact process I used with children of all ages, and their parents, from those in my office to coaching work I've done remotely all over the world.

This is a very limited offer because it's a marketing test.

There is no "catch" to this offer. You will not get signed up for anything else or get any annoying phone calls from a salesperson (although Dr. Stern may call to say 'thank you').

Plus, if you don't like the book, let me know and I'll refund your $7.95 immediately. You don't even need to send the book back.

Click here and claim your copy now. You won't regret it.
Copyright © 2022 - Rory F. Stern, PsyD